If a child is to fulfil their potential in school they need to be attentive and apply themselves to learning. At Briar Hill Infant School we expect a high standard of self discipline and a good standard of pupil conduct at all times during the school day including times when pupils are off-site on visits. School expectations are set out in our Learning Policy, Behaviour Policy and Prevention of Bullying Policy, as well as in posters displayed around the school. We set an example by being caring, considerate and co-operative with everyone in school and we talk to the children outlining the choices they can make about their behaviour. Although we use sanctions when necessary, our ethos is built on a culture of positive reinforcement; good behaviour is always praised and each class has a reward system. Each week we have a ‘Proud Assembly’ where the children share what they are proud of – this encourages independence in their learning and is linked to Building Learning Power. “