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We Need Your Poppies!



Following seeing an advert in the local paper by St. Mary’s Church in Warwick appealing for poppies Year Two thought it would be a great idea to make as many poppies as they could in as many different ways on Friday 10th November. This tied in beautifully with their learning about Remembrance Day and World War One. The children persevered and managed to make an amazing 154 poppies which were presented to representatives of the church’s appeal on Tuesday morning. After hearing about why the church wanted poppies and where they were going to go in the church the children enjoyed sharing their poppies with their visitors and explaining how they had made them.


Helen said

"The children were so enthusiastic about their topic and loved sharing with us how they made their poppies."


Lochlan said

"I made three of the really complicated poppies. They were really tricky."
