Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year One!


Welcome to Year One's pages.
Come and enjoy making links to all the exciting learning that takes place at Briar Hill School! 

Mrs Bassett and Mrs White in BH4
Mrs Padro and Miss Higgins in BH5

Mrs Calvert and Mrs Farmer in BH6




During the year the children will be learning through a range of different topics. Lots of their learning will be hands on and fun! Each half term you will receive a letter explaining to you what the new topic will be about.

Online Safety

This site gives some great advice on how to look after your children when they are online. Please have a look and read the appropriate advice for your child's age group.

Phonics Screening Parents Information

Some of our fantastic learning this week.

Leamington In Bloom


Leamington in Bloom have kindly provided all Year 1 children a geranium plant to care for as part of the Geranium Trains 2017 project. The children are to look after their plant at home and bring it back into school in June so they can be collected and planted out in Leamington. The two geranium trains, one in Jephson Gardens and the other at the Railway Station, are always greatly admired by everyone who sees them and this year our school name will be on one of the carriages.

Please help your child to choose a sunny place to keep their geranium and encourage them to water it when needed. This will support the science learning on plants your child is experiencing in school this term.

We will let you know when to bring the plant back into school.

Many thanks



Year One Team

Superhero Day

Please find below a link to the Education City website together with instructions on how to use this at home with your child.

Children are given a logon to this site in Year 1 which they can then continue to use in Year 2.
